newest version marlon

This commit is contained in:
Marlon Portmann 2023-01-09 17:45:38 +01:00
parent c4ebf84539
commit f52236b8cb
8 changed files with 929 additions and 491 deletions

View File

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View File

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View File

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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR;
using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit;
using TMPro; // Add the TextMesh Pro namespace to access the various functions.
using System.Linq;
public class HandAnim : MonoBehaviour
public XRController controller = null;
public Animator m_animator = null;
public const string ANIM_LAYER_NAME_POINT = "Point Layer";
public const string ANIM_LAYER_NAME_THUMB = "Thumb Layer";
public const string ANIM_PARAM_NAME_FLEX = "Flex";
public const string ANIM_PARAM_NAME_POSE = "Pose";
private int m_animLayerIndexThumb = -1;
private int m_animLayerIndexPoint = -1;
private int m_animParamIndexFlex = -1;
private int m_animParamIndexPose = -1;
private Collider[] m_colliders = null;
public float anim_frames = 4f;
private float grip_state = 0f;
private float trigger_state = 0f;
private float triggerCap_state = 0f;
private float thumbCap_state = 0f;
private void Awake(){
// animator =
// controller.GetComponent<XRController>();
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
m_colliders = this.GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>().Where(childCollider => !childCollider.isTrigger).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < m_colliders.Length; ++i)
Collider collider = m_colliders[i];
// collider.transform.localScale = new Vector3(COLLIDER_SCALE_MIN, COLLIDER_SCALE_MIN, COLLIDER_SCALE_MIN);
collider.enabled = true;
m_animLayerIndexPoint = m_animator.GetLayerIndex(ANIM_LAYER_NAME_POINT);
m_animLayerIndexThumb = m_animator.GetLayerIndex(ANIM_LAYER_NAME_THUMB);
m_animParamIndexFlex = Animator.StringToHash(ANIM_PARAM_NAME_FLEX);
m_animParamIndexPose = Animator.StringToHash(ANIM_PARAM_NAME_POSE);
// var inputDevices = new List<UnityEngine.XR.InputDevice>();
// UnityEngine.XR.InputDevices.GetDevices(inputDevices);
// foreach (var device in inputDevices)
// {
// Debug.Log(string.Format("Device found with name '{0}' and role '{1}'",, device.role.ToString()));
// solutionText.SetText(string.Format("Device found with name '{0}' and role '{1}'",, device.role.ToString()));
// }
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (controller.inputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.grip, out float gripTarget)){
// solutionText.SetText(gripValue.ToString());
float grip_state_delta = gripTarget - grip_state;
if (grip_state_delta > 0f){ grip_state = Mathf.Clamp(grip_state + 1/anim_frames, 0f, gripTarget);
}else if (grip_state_delta < 0f){grip_state = Mathf.Clamp(grip_state - 1/anim_frames, gripTarget, 1f);
}else{ grip_state = gripTarget;}
m_animator.SetFloat(m_animParamIndexFlex, grip_state);
if (controller.inputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.trigger, out float triggerTarget)){
float trigger_state_delta = triggerTarget - trigger_state;
if (trigger_state_delta > 0f){ trigger_state = Mathf.Clamp(trigger_state + 1/anim_frames, 0f, triggerTarget);
}else if (trigger_state_delta < 0f){trigger_state = Mathf.Clamp(trigger_state - 1/anim_frames, triggerTarget, 1f);
}else{ trigger_state = triggerTarget;}
m_animator.SetFloat("Pinch", trigger_state);
if (controller.inputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.indexTouch, out float triggerCapTarget)){
float triggerCap_state_delta = triggerCapTarget - triggerCap_state;
if (triggerCap_state_delta > 0f){ triggerCap_state = Mathf.Clamp(triggerCap_state + 1/anim_frames, 0f, triggerCapTarget);
}else if (triggerCap_state_delta < 0f){triggerCap_state = Mathf.Clamp(triggerCap_state - 1/anim_frames, triggerCapTarget, 1f);
}else{ triggerCap_state = triggerCapTarget;}
m_animator.SetLayerWeight(m_animLayerIndexPoint, 1f-triggerCap_state);
if (controller.inputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.thumbTouch, out float thumbCapTarget)){
float thumbCap_state_delta = thumbCapTarget - thumbCap_state;
if (thumbCap_state_delta > 0f){ thumbCap_state = Mathf.Clamp(thumbCap_state + 1/anim_frames, 0f, thumbCapTarget);
}else if (thumbCap_state_delta < 0f){thumbCap_state = Mathf.Clamp(thumbCap_state - 1/anim_frames, thumbCapTarget, 1f);
}else{ thumbCap_state = thumbCapTarget;}
m_animator.SetLayerWeight(m_animLayerIndexThumb, 1f-thumbCap_state);

View File

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View File

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