90e3175c7dRemove warnings about old 1st edition code changes
Aurélien Geron
2019-01-22 16:54:47 +0800
0e5f18997cRemove jupyter extensions, make nbdime optional, and only install tf-nightly-2.0-preview, not gpu version
Aurélien Geron
2019-01-22 12:44:04 +0800
ef67090d71Update index.ipynb to point to the updated usage instructions, and remove Jupyter extensions
Aurélien Geron
2019-01-22 12:42:23 +0800
c0690a9acc%cd instead of %mv
Aurélien Geron
2019-01-22 12:31:36 +0800
b3a61cddceSimplify README.md, add links to binder, deepnotes and colab, and move installation details to INSTALL.md
Aurélien Geron
2019-01-22 12:30:13 +0800
1a6bb0b199Create image directory and check for sklearn >= 0.20
Aurélien Geron
2019-01-21 18:42:31 +0800
b546b743beCreate image directory and check for sklearn >= 0.20 and TensorFlow >= 2.0-preview
Aurélien Geron
2019-01-21 18:13:10 +0800
6b8dff91d0Update all notebooks assuming we are all in the future now: sklearn 0.20+, python 3.5+, TF 2.0 preview
Aurélien Geron
2019-01-18 23:08:37 +0800
10c432a997Drop Python 2 (woohoo!) and import matplotlib as mpl
Aurélien Geron
2019-01-16 23:42:53 +0800
d2518a679bDrop Python 2 (woohoo!) and import matplotlib as mpl
Aurélien Geron
2019-01-16 23:42:00 +0800
ca6eb8c147Add chapter 10 - neural nets with Keras
Aurélien Geron
2019-01-16 23:37:12 +0800
2b9bb9bee9Split ch08 into ch08 and ch09
Aurélien Geron
2019-01-15 12:36:29 +0800
10bc49aa91Add solution to exercise 16.8 (BipedalWalker-v2 using Policy Gradients)
Aurélien Geron
2018-05-09 15:25:49 +0200
4d25a60d6aAdd solution of exercises 7.8 (voting classifier) and 7.9 (stacking ensemble)
Aurélien Geron
2018-05-09 10:09:04 +0200
cac02c5964Updated to latest version of TensorFlow
Aurélien Geron
2018-05-08 20:21:23 +0200
1886d796e1Updated to latest version of TensorFlow
Aurélien Geron
2018-05-08 20:16:00 +0200
55adea1ff4Add code to compute a confidence interval
Aurélien Geron
2018-05-08 19:41:47 +0200
e05d4b36actf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer moved to tf.variance_scaling_initializer
Aurélien Geron
2018-05-08 19:40:05 +0200
38c2ea79e4Notebook 08 now has more unsupervised learning content (clustering, anomaly detection, density estimation, gaussian mixtures...)
Aurélien Geron
2018-05-08 12:53:40 +0200
f45a88146fAdd instructions to install using the zip file rather than git, if necessary
Aurélien Geron
2018-05-08 12:52:47 +0200
581253b47aAdd xgboost example and upgrade to latest matplotlib version
Aurélien Geron
2018-05-08 12:43:49 +0200
d9fdb0542bRemove linewidth argument for plt.contourf()
Aurélien Geron
2018-05-08 12:38:05 +0200
fb3e68709eReplace n_iter with max_iter in SGDClassifier
Aurélien Geron
2018-05-08 12:36:43 +0200
c4e72ddc49Replace pip with pip3, and add random_state to LogisticRegression
Aurélien Geron
2018-05-08 12:33:46 +0200