Zwiebeln schneiden (Test-Scene-Nick2)
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
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folderAsset: yes
externalObjects: {}
Normal file
Normal file
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guid: 2e74f6db7f705ba4ca4c6bf191c66fd9
folderAsset: yes
externalObjects: {}
Normal file
Normal file
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EzySlice {
* A Basic Structure which contains intersection information
* for Plane->Triangle Intersection Tests
* TO-DO -> This structure can be optimized to hold less data
* via an optional indices array. Could lead for a faster
* intersection test aswell.
public sealed class IntersectionResult {
// general tag to check if this structure is valid
private bool is_success;
// our intersection points/triangles
private readonly Triangle[] upper_hull;
private readonly Triangle[] lower_hull;
private readonly Vector3[] intersection_pt;
// our counters. We use raw arrays for performance reasons
private int upper_hull_count;
private int lower_hull_count;
private int intersection_pt_count;
public IntersectionResult() {
this.is_success = false;
this.upper_hull = new Triangle[2];
this.lower_hull = new Triangle[2];
this.intersection_pt = new Vector3[2];
this.upper_hull_count = 0;
this.lower_hull_count = 0;
this.intersection_pt_count = 0;
public Triangle[] upperHull {
get { return upper_hull; }
public Triangle[] lowerHull {
get { return lower_hull; }
public Vector3[] intersectionPoints {
get { return intersection_pt; }
public int upperHullCount {
get { return upper_hull_count; }
public int lowerHullCount {
get { return lower_hull_count; }
public int intersectionPointCount {
get { return intersection_pt_count; }
public bool isValid {
get { return is_success; }
* Used by the intersector, adds a new triangle to the
* upper hull section
public IntersectionResult AddUpperHull(Triangle tri) {
upper_hull[upper_hull_count++] = tri;
is_success = true;
return this;
* Used by the intersector, adds a new triangle to the
* lower gull section
public IntersectionResult AddLowerHull(Triangle tri) {
lower_hull[lower_hull_count++] = tri;
is_success = true;
return this;
* Used by the intersector, adds a new intersection point
* which is shared by both upper->lower hulls
public void AddIntersectionPoint(Vector3 pt) {
intersection_pt[intersection_pt_count++] = pt;
* Clear the current state of this object
public void Clear() {
is_success = false;
upper_hull_count = 0;
lower_hull_count = 0;
intersection_pt_count = 0;
* Editor only DEBUG functionality. This should not be compiled in the final
* Version.
public void OnDebugDraw() {
public void OnDebugDraw(Color drawColor) {
if (!isValid) {
Color prevColor = Gizmos.color;
Gizmos.color = drawColor;
// draw the intersection points
for (int i = 0; i < intersectionPointCount; i++) {
Gizmos.DrawSphere(intersectionPoints[i], 0.1f);
// draw the upper hull in RED
for (int i = 0; i < upperHullCount; i++) {
// draw the lower hull in BLUE
for (int i = 0; i < lowerHullCount; i++) {
Gizmos.color = prevColor;
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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
Normal file
Normal file
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EzySlice {
* Contains static functionality to perform geometric intersection tests.
public sealed class Intersector {
* Perform an intersection between Plane and Line, storing intersection point
* in reference q. Function returns true if intersection has been found or
* false otherwise.
public static bool Intersect(Plane pl, Line ln, out Vector3 q) {
return Intersector.Intersect(pl, ln.positionA, ln.positionB, out q);
public const float Epsilon = 0.0001f;
* Perform an intersection between Plane and Line made up of points a and b. Intersection
* point will be stored in reference q. Function returns true if intersection has been
* found or false otherwise.
public static bool Intersect(Plane pl, Vector3 a, Vector3 b, out Vector3 q) {
Vector3 normal = pl.normal;
Vector3 ab = b - a;
float t = (pl.dist - Vector3.Dot(normal, a)) / Vector3.Dot(normal, ab);
// need to be careful and compensate for floating errors
if (t >= -Epsilon && t <= (1 + Epsilon)) {
q = a + t * ab;
return true;
q =;
return false;
* Support functionality
public static float TriArea2D(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) {
return (x1 - x2) * (y2 - y3) - (x2 - x3) * (y1 - y2);
* Perform an intersection between Plane and Triangle. This is a comprehensive function
* which alwo builds a HULL Hirearchy useful for decimation projects. This obviously
* comes at the cost of more complex code and runtime checks, but the returned results
* are much more flexible.
* Results will be filled into the IntersectionResult reference. Check result.isValid()
* for the final results.
public static void Intersect(Plane pl, Triangle tri, IntersectionResult result) {
// clear the previous results from the IntersectionResult
// grab local variables for easier access
Vector3 a = tri.positionA;
Vector3 b = tri.positionB;
Vector3 c = tri.positionC;
// check to see which side of the plane the points all
// lay in. SideOf operation is a simple dot product and some comparison
// operations, so these are a very quick checks
SideOfPlane sa = pl.SideOf(a);
SideOfPlane sb = pl.SideOf(b);
SideOfPlane sc = pl.SideOf(c);
// we cannot intersect if the triangle points all fall on the same side
// of the plane. This is an easy early out test as no intersections are possible.
if (sa == sb && sb == sc) {
// detect cases where two points lay straight on the plane, meaning
// that the plane is actually parralel with one of the edges of the triangle
else if ((sa == SideOfPlane.ON && sa == sb) ||
(sa == SideOfPlane.ON && sa == sc) ||
(sb == SideOfPlane.ON && sb == sc)) {
// detect cases where one point is on the plane and the other two are on the same side
else if ((sa == SideOfPlane.ON && sb != SideOfPlane.ON && sb == sc) ||
(sb == SideOfPlane.ON && sa != SideOfPlane.ON && sa == sc) ||
(sc == SideOfPlane.ON && sa != SideOfPlane.ON && sa == sb)) {
// keep in mind that intersection points are shared by both
// the upper HULL and lower HULL hence they lie perfectly
// on the plane that cut them
Vector3 qa;
Vector3 qb;
// check the cases where the points of the triangle actually lie on the plane itself
// in these cases, there is only going to be 2 triangles, one for the upper HULL and
// the other on the lower HULL
// we just need to figure out which points to accept into the upper or lower hulls.
if (sa == SideOfPlane.ON) {
// if the point a is on the plane, test line b-c
if (Intersector.Intersect(pl, b, c, out qa)) {
// line b-c intersected, construct out triangles and return approprietly
// our two generated triangles, we need to figure out which
// triangle goes into the UPPER hull and which goes into the LOWER hull
Triangle ta = new Triangle(a, b, qa);
Triangle tb = new Triangle(a, qa, c);
// generate UV coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasUV) {
// the computed UV coordinate if the intersection point
Vector2 pq = tri.GenerateUV(qa);
Vector2 pa = tri.uvA;
Vector2 pb = tri.uvB;
Vector2 pc = tri.uvC;
ta.SetUV(pa, pb, pq);
tb.SetUV(pa, pq, pc);
// generate Normal coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasNormal) {
// the computed Normal coordinate if the intersection point
Vector3 pq = tri.GenerateNormal(qa);
Vector3 pa = tri.normalA;
Vector3 pb = tri.normalB;
Vector3 pc = tri.normalC;
ta.SetNormal(pa, pb, pq);
tb.SetNormal(pa, pq, pc);
// generate Tangent coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasTangent) {
// the computed Tangent coordinate if the intersection point
Vector4 pq = tri.GenerateTangent(qa);
Vector4 pa = tri.tangentA;
Vector4 pb = tri.tangentB;
Vector4 pc = tri.tangentC;
ta.SetTangent(pa, pb, pq);
tb.SetTangent(pa, pq, pc);
// b point lies on the upside of the plane
if (sb == SideOfPlane.UP) {
// b point lies on the downside of the plane
else if (sb == SideOfPlane.DOWN) {
// test the case where the b point lies on the plane itself
else if (sb == SideOfPlane.ON) {
// if the point b is on the plane, test line a-c
if (Intersector.Intersect(pl, a, c, out qa)) {
// line a-c intersected, construct out triangles and return approprietly
// our two generated triangles, we need to figure out which
// triangle goes into the UPPER hull and which goes into the LOWER hull
Triangle ta = new Triangle(a, b, qa);
Triangle tb = new Triangle(qa, b, c);
// generate UV coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasUV) {
// the computed UV coordinate if the intersection point
Vector2 pq = tri.GenerateUV(qa);
Vector2 pa = tri.uvA;
Vector2 pb = tri.uvB;
Vector2 pc = tri.uvC;
ta.SetUV(pa, pb, pq);
tb.SetUV(pq, pb, pc);
// generate Normal coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasNormal) {
// the computed Normal coordinate if the intersection point
Vector3 pq = tri.GenerateNormal(qa);
Vector3 pa = tri.normalA;
Vector3 pb = tri.normalB;
Vector3 pc = tri.normalC;
ta.SetNormal(pa, pb, pq);
tb.SetNormal(pq, pb, pc);
// generate Tangent coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasTangent) {
// the computed Tangent coordinate if the intersection point
Vector4 pq = tri.GenerateTangent(qa);
Vector4 pa = tri.tangentA;
Vector4 pb = tri.tangentB;
Vector4 pc = tri.tangentC;
ta.SetTangent(pa, pb, pq);
tb.SetTangent(pq, pb, pc);
// a point lies on the upside of the plane
if (sa == SideOfPlane.UP) {
// a point lies on the downside of the plane
else if (sa == SideOfPlane.DOWN) {
// test the case where the c point lies on the plane itself
else if (sc == SideOfPlane.ON) {
// if the point c is on the plane, test line a-b
if (Intersector.Intersect(pl, a, b, out qa)) {
// line a-c intersected, construct out triangles and return approprietly
// our two generated triangles, we need to figure out which
// triangle goes into the UPPER hull and which goes into the LOWER hull
Triangle ta = new Triangle(a, qa, c);
Triangle tb = new Triangle(qa, b, c);
// generate UV coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasUV) {
// the computed UV coordinate if the intersection point
Vector2 pq = tri.GenerateUV(qa);
Vector2 pa = tri.uvA;
Vector2 pb = tri.uvB;
Vector2 pc = tri.uvC;
ta.SetUV(pa, pq, pc);
tb.SetUV(pq, pb, pc);
// generate Normal coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasNormal) {
// the computed Normal coordinate if the intersection point
Vector3 pq = tri.GenerateNormal(qa);
Vector3 pa = tri.normalA;
Vector3 pb = tri.normalB;
Vector3 pc = tri.normalC;
ta.SetNormal(pa, pq, pc);
tb.SetNormal(pq, pb, pc);
// generate Tangent coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasTangent) {
// the computed Tangent coordinate if the intersection point
Vector4 pq = tri.GenerateTangent(qa);
Vector4 pa = tri.tangentA;
Vector4 pb = tri.tangentB;
Vector4 pc = tri.tangentC;
ta.SetTangent(pa, pq, pc);
tb.SetTangent(pq, pb, pc);
// a point lies on the upside of the plane
if (sa == SideOfPlane.UP) {
// a point lies on the downside of the plane
else if (sa == SideOfPlane.DOWN) {
// at this point, all edge cases have been tested and failed, we need to perform
// full intersection tests against the lines. From this point onwards we will generate
// 3 triangles
else if (sa != sb && Intersector.Intersect(pl, a, b, out qa)) {
// intersection found against a - b
// since intersection was found against a - b, we need to check which other
// lines to check (we only need to check one more line) for intersection.
// the line we check against will be the line against the point which lies on
// the other side of the plane.
if (sa == sc) {
// we likely have an intersection against line b-c which will complete this loop
if (Intersector.Intersect(pl, b, c, out qb)) {
// our three generated triangles. Two of these triangles will end
// up on either the UPPER or LOWER hulls.
Triangle ta = new Triangle(qa, b, qb);
Triangle tb = new Triangle(a, qa, qb);
Triangle tc = new Triangle(a, qb, c);
// generate UV coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasUV) {
// the computed UV coordinate if the intersection point
Vector2 pqa = tri.GenerateUV(qa);
Vector2 pqb = tri.GenerateUV(qb);
Vector2 pa = tri.uvA;
Vector2 pb = tri.uvB;
Vector2 pc = tri.uvC;
ta.SetUV(pqa, pb, pqb);
tb.SetUV(pa, pqa, pqb);
tc.SetUV(pa, pqb, pc);
// generate Normal coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasNormal) {
// the computed Normal coordinate if the intersection point
Vector3 pqa = tri.GenerateNormal(qa);
Vector3 pqb = tri.GenerateNormal(qb);
Vector3 pa = tri.normalA;
Vector3 pb = tri.normalB;
Vector3 pc = tri.normalC;
ta.SetNormal(pqa, pb, pqb);
tb.SetNormal(pa, pqa, pqb);
tc.SetNormal(pa, pqb, pc);
// generate Tangent coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasTangent) {
// the computed Tangent coordinate if the intersection point
Vector4 pqa = tri.GenerateTangent(qa);
Vector4 pqb = tri.GenerateTangent(qb);
Vector4 pa = tri.tangentA;
Vector4 pb = tri.tangentB;
Vector4 pc = tri.tangentC;
ta.SetTangent(pqa, pb, pqb);
tb.SetTangent(pa, pqa, pqb);
tc.SetTangent(pa, pqb, pc);
if (sa == SideOfPlane.UP) {
} else {
} else {
// in this scenario, the point a is a "lone" point which lies in either upper
// or lower HULL. We need to perform another intersection to find the last point
if (Intersector.Intersect(pl, a, c, out qb)) {
// our three generated triangles. Two of these triangles will end
// up on either the UPPER or LOWER hulls.
Triangle ta = new Triangle(a, qa, qb);
Triangle tb = new Triangle(qa, b, c);
Triangle tc = new Triangle(qb, qa, c);
// generate UV coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasUV) {
// the computed UV coordinate if the intersection point
Vector2 pqa = tri.GenerateUV(qa);
Vector2 pqb = tri.GenerateUV(qb);
Vector2 pa = tri.uvA;
Vector2 pb = tri.uvB;
Vector2 pc = tri.uvC;
ta.SetUV(pa, pqa, pqb);
tb.SetUV(pqa, pb, pc);
tc.SetUV(pqb, pqa, pc);
// generate Normal coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasNormal) {
// the computed Normal coordinate if the intersection point
Vector3 pqa = tri.GenerateNormal(qa);
Vector3 pqb = tri.GenerateNormal(qb);
Vector3 pa = tri.normalA;
Vector3 pb = tri.normalB;
Vector3 pc = tri.normalC;
ta.SetNormal(pa, pqa, pqb);
tb.SetNormal(pqa, pb, pc);
tc.SetNormal(pqb, pqa, pc);
// generate Tangent coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasTangent) {
// the computed Tangent coordinate if the intersection point
Vector4 pqa = tri.GenerateTangent(qa);
Vector4 pqb = tri.GenerateTangent(qb);
Vector4 pa = tri.tangentA;
Vector4 pb = tri.tangentB;
Vector4 pc = tri.tangentC;
ta.SetTangent(pa, pqa, pqb);
tb.SetTangent(pqa, pb, pc);
tc.SetTangent(pqb, pqa, pc);
if (sa == SideOfPlane.UP) {
} else {
// if line a-b did not intersect (or the lie on the same side of the plane)
// this simplifies the problem a fair bit. This means we have an intersection
// in line a-c and b-c, which we can use to build a new UPPER and LOWER hulls
// we are expecting both of these intersection tests to pass, otherwise something
// went wrong (float errors? missed a checked case?)
else if (Intersector.Intersect(pl, c, a, out qa) && Intersector.Intersect(pl, c, b, out qb)) {
// in here we know that line a-b actually lie on the same side of the plane, this will
// simplify the rest of the logic. We also have our intersection points
// the computed UV coordinate of the intersection point
// our three generated triangles. Two of these triangles will end
// up on either the UPPER or LOWER hulls.
Triangle ta = new Triangle(qa, qb, c);
Triangle tb = new Triangle(a, qb, qa);
Triangle tc = new Triangle(a, b, qb);
// generate UV coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasUV) {
// the computed UV coordinate if the intersection point
Vector2 pqa = tri.GenerateUV(qa);
Vector2 pqb = tri.GenerateUV(qb);
Vector2 pa = tri.uvA;
Vector2 pb = tri.uvB;
Vector2 pc = tri.uvC;
ta.SetUV(pqa, pqb, pc);
tb.SetUV(pa, pqb, pqa);
tc.SetUV(pa, pb, pqb);
// generate Normal coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasNormal) {
// the computed Normal coordinate if the intersection point
Vector3 pqa = tri.GenerateNormal(qa);
Vector3 pqb = tri.GenerateNormal(qb);
Vector3 pa = tri.normalA;
Vector3 pb = tri.normalB;
Vector3 pc = tri.normalC;
ta.SetNormal(pqa, pqb, pc);
tb.SetNormal(pa, pqb, pqa);
tc.SetNormal(pa, pb, pqb);
// generate Tangent coordinates if there is any
if (tri.hasTangent) {
// the computed Tangent coordinate if the intersection point
Vector4 pqa = tri.GenerateTangent(qa);
Vector4 pqb = tri.GenerateTangent(qb);
Vector4 pa = tri.tangentA;
Vector4 pb = tri.tangentB;
Vector4 pc = tri.tangentC;
ta.SetTangent(pqa, pqb, pc);
tb.SetTangent(pa, pqb, pqa);
tc.SetTangent(pa, pb, pqb);
if (sa == SideOfPlane.UP) {
} else {
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executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EzySlice {
public struct Line {
private readonly Vector3 m_pos_a;
private readonly Vector3 m_pos_b;
public Line(Vector3 pta, Vector3 ptb) {
this.m_pos_a = pta;
this.m_pos_b = ptb;
public float dist {
get { return Vector3.Distance(this.m_pos_a, this.m_pos_b); }
public float distSq {
get { return (this.m_pos_a - this.m_pos_b).sqrMagnitude; }
public Vector3 positionA {
get { return this.m_pos_a; }
public Vector3 positionB {
get { return this.m_pos_b; }
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serializedVersion: 2
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executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EzySlice {
* Quick Internal structure which checks where the point lays on the
* Plane. UP = Upwards from the Normal, DOWN = Downwards from the Normal
* ON = Point lays straight on the plane
public enum SideOfPlane {
* Represents a simple 3D Plane structure with a position
* and direction which extends infinitely in its axis. This provides
* an optimal structure for collision tests for the slicing framework.
public struct Plane {
private Vector3 m_normal;
private float m_dist;
// this is for editor debugging only! do NOT try to access this
// variable at runtime, we will be stripping it out for final
// builds
private Transform trans_ref;
public Plane(Vector3 pos, Vector3 norm) {
this.m_normal = norm;
this.m_dist = Vector3.Dot(norm, pos);
// this is for editor debugging only!
trans_ref = null;
public Plane(Vector3 norm, float dot) {
this.m_normal = norm;
this.m_dist = dot;
// this is for editor debugging only!
trans_ref = null;
public Plane(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c) {
m_normal = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(b - a, c - a));
m_dist = -Vector3.Dot(m_normal, a);
// this is for editor debugging only!
trans_ref = null;
public void Compute(Vector3 pos, Vector3 norm) {
this.m_normal = norm;
this.m_dist = Vector3.Dot(norm, pos);
public void Compute(Transform trans) {
Compute(trans.position, trans.up);
// this is for editor debugging only!
trans_ref = trans;
public void Compute(GameObject obj) {
public Vector3 normal {
get { return this.m_normal; }
public float dist {
get { return this.m_dist; }
* Checks which side of the plane the point lays on.
public SideOfPlane SideOf(Vector3 pt) {
float result = Vector3.Dot(m_normal, pt) - m_dist;
if (result > Intersector.Epsilon) {
return SideOfPlane.UP;
if (result < -Intersector.Epsilon) {
return SideOfPlane.DOWN;
return SideOfPlane.ON;
* Editor only DEBUG functionality. This should not be compiled in the final
* Version.
public void OnDebugDraw() {
public void OnDebugDraw(Color drawColor) {
// NOTE -> Gizmos are only supported in the editor. We will keep these function
// signatures for consistancy however at final build, these will do nothing
// TO/DO -> Should we throw a runtime exception if this function tried to get executed
// at runtime?
if (trans_ref == null) {
Color prevColor = Gizmos.color;
Matrix4x4 prevMatrix = Gizmos.matrix;
// TO-DO
Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(trans_ref.position, trans_ref.rotation, trans_ref.localScale);
Gizmos.color = drawColor;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
Gizmos.color = prevColor;
Gizmos.matrix = prevMatrix;
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Normal file
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fileFormatVersion: 2
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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
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Normal file
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EzySlice {
* TextureRegion defines a region of a specific texture which can be used
* for custom UV Mapping Routines.
* TextureRegions are always stored in normalized UV Coordinate space between
* 0.0f and 1.0f
public struct TextureRegion {
private readonly float pos_start_x;
private readonly float pos_start_y;
private readonly float pos_end_x;
private readonly float pos_end_y;
public TextureRegion(float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY) {
this.pos_start_x = startX;
this.pos_start_y = startY;
this.pos_end_x = endX;
this.pos_end_y = endY;
public float startX { get { return this.pos_start_x; } }
public float startY { get { return this.pos_start_y; } }
public float endX { get { return this.pos_end_x; } }
public float endY { get { return this.pos_end_y; } }
public Vector2 start { get { return new Vector2(startX, startY); } }
public Vector2 end { get { return new Vector2(endX, endY); } }
* Perform a mapping of a UV coordinate (computed in 0,1 space)
* into the new coordinates defined by the provided TextureRegion
public Vector2 Map(Vector2 uv) {
return Map(uv.x, uv.y);
* Perform a mapping of a UV coordinate (computed in 0,1 space)
* into the new coordinates defined by the provided TextureRegion
public Vector2 Map(float x, float y) {
float mappedX = MAP(x, 0.0f, 1.0f, pos_start_x, pos_end_x);
float mappedY = MAP(y, 0.0f, 1.0f, pos_start_y, pos_end_y);
return new Vector2(mappedX, mappedY);
* Our mapping function to map arbitrary values into our required texture region
private static float MAP(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max) {
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
* Define our TextureRegion extension to easily calculate
* from a Texture2D Object.
public static class TextureRegionExtension {
* Helper function to quickly calculate the Texture Region from a material.
* This extension function will use the mainTexture component to perform the
* calculation.
* Will throw a null exception if the texture does not exist. See
* Texture.getTextureRegion() for function details.
public static TextureRegion GetTextureRegion(this Material mat,
int pixX,
int pixY,
int pixWidth,
int pixHeight) {
return mat.mainTexture.GetTextureRegion(pixX, pixY, pixWidth, pixHeight);
* Using a Texture2D, calculate and return a specific TextureRegion
* Coordinates are provided in pixel coordinates where 0,0 is the
* bottom left corner of the texture.
* The texture region will automatically be calculated to ensure that it
* will fit inside the provided texture.
public static TextureRegion GetTextureRegion(this Texture tex,
int pixX,
int pixY,
int pixWidth,
int pixHeight) {
int textureWidth = tex.width;
int textureHeight = tex.height;
// ensure we are not referencing out of bounds coordinates
// relative to our texture
int calcWidth = Mathf.Min(textureWidth, pixWidth);
int calcHeight = Mathf.Min(textureHeight, pixHeight);
int calcX = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Abs(pixX), textureWidth);
int calcY = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Abs(pixY), textureHeight);
float startX = calcX / (float) textureWidth;
float startY = calcY / (float) textureHeight;
float endX = (calcX + calcWidth) / (float) textureWidth;
float endY = (calcY + calcHeight) / (float) textureHeight;
// texture region is a struct which is allocated on the stack
return new TextureRegion(startX, startY, endX, endY);
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externalObjects: {}
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executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
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using UnityEngine;
namespace EzySlice {
* Represents a simple 3D Triangle structure with position
* and UV map. The UV is required if the slicer needs
* to recalculate the new UV position for texture mapping.
public struct Triangle {
// the points which represent this triangle
// these have to be set and are immutable. Cannot be
// changed once set
private readonly Vector3 m_pos_a;
private readonly Vector3 m_pos_b;
private readonly Vector3 m_pos_c;
// the UV coordinates of this triangle
// these are optional and may not be set
private bool m_uv_set;
private Vector2 m_uv_a;
private Vector2 m_uv_b;
private Vector2 m_uv_c;
// the Normals of the Vertices
// these are optional and may not be set
private bool m_nor_set;
private Vector3 m_nor_a;
private Vector3 m_nor_b;
private Vector3 m_nor_c;
// the Tangents of the Vertices
// these are optional and may not be set
private bool m_tan_set;
private Vector4 m_tan_a;
private Vector4 m_tan_b;
private Vector4 m_tan_c;
public Triangle(Vector3 posa,
Vector3 posb,
Vector3 posc) {
this.m_pos_a = posa;
this.m_pos_b = posb;
this.m_pos_c = posc;
this.m_uv_set = false;
this.m_uv_a =;
this.m_uv_b =;
this.m_uv_c =;
this.m_nor_set = false;
this.m_nor_a =;
this.m_nor_b =;
this.m_nor_c =;
this.m_tan_set = false;
this.m_tan_a =;
this.m_tan_b =;
this.m_tan_c =;
public Vector3 positionA {
get { return this.m_pos_a; }
public Vector3 positionB {
get { return this.m_pos_b; }
public Vector3 positionC {
get { return this.m_pos_c; }
public bool hasUV {
get { return this.m_uv_set; }
public void SetUV(Vector2 uvA, Vector2 uvB, Vector2 uvC) {
this.m_uv_a = uvA;
this.m_uv_b = uvB;
this.m_uv_c = uvC;
this.m_uv_set = true;
public Vector2 uvA {
get { return this.m_uv_a; }
public Vector2 uvB {
get { return this.m_uv_b; }
public Vector2 uvC {
get { return this.m_uv_c; }
public bool hasNormal {
get { return this.m_nor_set; }
public void SetNormal(Vector3 norA, Vector3 norB, Vector3 norC) {
this.m_nor_a = norA;
this.m_nor_b = norB;
this.m_nor_c = norC;
this.m_nor_set = true;
public Vector3 normalA {
get { return this.m_nor_a; }
public Vector3 normalB {
get { return this.m_nor_b; }
public Vector3 normalC {
get { return this.m_nor_c; }
public bool hasTangent {
get { return this.m_tan_set; }
public void SetTangent(Vector4 tanA, Vector4 tanB, Vector4 tanC) {
this.m_tan_a = tanA;
this.m_tan_b = tanB;
this.m_tan_c = tanC;
this.m_tan_set = true;
public Vector4 tangentA {
get { return this.m_tan_a; }
public Vector4 tangentB {
get { return this.m_tan_b; }
public Vector4 tangentC {
get { return this.m_tan_c; }
* Compute and set the tangents of this triangle
* Derived From
public void ComputeTangents() {
// computing tangents requires both UV and normals set
if (!m_nor_set || !m_uv_set) {
Vector3 v1 = m_pos_a;
Vector3 v2 = m_pos_b;
Vector3 v3 = m_pos_c;
Vector2 w1 = m_uv_a;
Vector2 w2 = m_uv_b;
Vector2 w3 = m_uv_c;
float x1 = v2.x - v1.x;
float x2 = v3.x - v1.x;
float y1 = v2.y - v1.y;
float y2 = v3.y - v1.y;
float z1 = v2.z - v1.z;
float z2 = v3.z - v1.z;
float s1 = w2.x - w1.x;
float s2 = w3.x - w1.x;
float t1 = w2.y - w1.y;
float t2 = w3.y - w1.y;
float r = 1.0f / (s1 * t2 - s2 * t1);
Vector3 sdir = new Vector3((t2 * x1 - t1 * x2) * r, (t2 * y1 - t1 * y2) * r, (t2 * z1 - t1 * z2) * r);
Vector3 tdir = new Vector3((s1 * x2 - s2 * x1) * r, (s1 * y2 - s2 * y1) * r, (s1 * z2 - s2 * z1) * r);
Vector3 n1 = m_nor_a;
Vector3 nt1 = sdir;
Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref n1, ref nt1);
Vector4 tanA = new Vector4(nt1.x, nt1.y, nt1.z, (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(n1, nt1), tdir) < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : 1.0f);
Vector3 n2 = m_nor_b;
Vector3 nt2 = sdir;
Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref n2, ref nt2);
Vector4 tanB = new Vector4(nt2.x, nt2.y, nt2.z, (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(n2, nt2), tdir) < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : 1.0f);
Vector3 n3 = m_nor_c;
Vector3 nt3 = sdir;
Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref n3, ref nt3);
Vector4 tanC = new Vector4(nt3.x, nt3.y, nt3.z, (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(n3, nt3), tdir) < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : 1.0f);
// finally set the tangents of this object
SetTangent(tanA, tanB, tanC);
* Calculate the Barycentric coordinate weight values u-v-w for Point p in respect to the provided
* triangle. This is useful for computing new UV coordinates for arbitrary points.
public Vector3 Barycentric(Vector3 p) {
Vector3 a = m_pos_a;
Vector3 b = m_pos_b;
Vector3 c = m_pos_c;
Vector3 m = Vector3.Cross(b - a, c - a);
float nu;
float nv;
float ood;
float x = Mathf.Abs(m.x);
float y = Mathf.Abs(m.y);
float z = Mathf.Abs(m.z);
// compute areas of plane with largest projections
if (x >= y && x >= z) {
// area of PBC in yz plane
nu = Intersector.TriArea2D(p.y, p.z, b.y, b.z, c.y, c.z);
// area of PCA in yz plane
nv = Intersector.TriArea2D(p.y, p.z, c.y, c.z, a.y, a.z);
// 1/2*area of ABC in yz plane
ood = 1.0f / m.x;
} else if (y >= x && y >= z) {
// project in xz plane
nu = Intersector.TriArea2D(p.x, p.z, b.x, b.z, c.x, c.z);
nv = Intersector.TriArea2D(p.x, p.z, c.x, c.z, a.x, a.z);
ood = 1.0f / -m.y;
} else {
// project in xy plane
nu = Intersector.TriArea2D(p.x, p.y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y);
nv = Intersector.TriArea2D(p.x, p.y, c.x, c.y, a.x, a.y);
ood = 1.0f / m.z;
float u = nu * ood;
float v = nv * ood;
float w = 1.0f - u - v;
return new Vector3(u, v, w);
* Generate a set of new UV coordinates for the provided point pt in respect to Triangle.
* Uses weight values for the computation, so this triangle must have UV's set to return
* the correct results. Otherwise will be returned. check via hasUV().
public Vector2 GenerateUV(Vector3 pt) {
// if not set, result will be zero, quick exit
if (!m_uv_set) {
Vector3 weights = Barycentric(pt);
return (weights.x * m_uv_a) + (weights.y * m_uv_b) + (weights.z * m_uv_c);
* Generates a set of new Normal coordinates for the provided point pt in respect to Triangle.
* Uses weight values for the computation, so this triangle must have Normal's set to return
* the correct results. Otherwise will be returned. check via hasNormal().
public Vector3 GenerateNormal(Vector3 pt) {
// if not set, result will be zero, quick exit
if (!m_nor_set) {
Vector3 weights = Barycentric(pt);
return (weights.x * m_nor_a) + (weights.y * m_nor_b) + (weights.z * m_nor_c);
* Generates a set of new Tangent coordinates for the provided point pt in respect to Triangle.
* Uses weight values for the computation, so this triangle must have Tangent's set to return
* the correct results. Otherwise will be returned. check via hasTangent().
public Vector4 GenerateTangent(Vector3 pt) {
// if not set, result will be zero, quick exit
if (!m_nor_set) {
Vector3 weights = Barycentric(pt);
return (weights.x * m_tan_a) + (weights.y * m_tan_b) + (weights.z * m_tan_c);
* Helper function to split this triangle by the provided plane and store
* the results inside the IntersectionResult structure.
* Returns true on success or false otherwise
public bool Split(Plane pl, IntersectionResult result) {
Intersector.Intersect(pl, this, result);
return result.isValid;
* Check the triangle winding order, if it's Clock Wise or Counter Clock Wise
public bool IsCW() {
return SignedSquare(m_pos_a, m_pos_b, m_pos_c) >= float.Epsilon;
* Returns the Signed square of a given triangle, useful for checking the
* winding order
public static float SignedSquare(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c) {
return (a.x * (b.y * c.z - b.z * c.y) -
a.y * (b.x * c.z - b.z * c.x) +
a.z * (b.x * c.y - b.y * c.x));
* Editor only DEBUG functionality. This should not be compiled in the final
* Version.
public void OnDebugDraw() {
public void OnDebugDraw(Color drawColor) {
Color prevColor = Gizmos.color;
Gizmos.color = drawColor;
Gizmos.DrawLine(positionA, positionB);
Gizmos.DrawLine(positionB, positionC);
Gizmos.DrawLine(positionC, positionA);
Gizmos.color = prevColor;
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defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EzySlice {
* Contains static functionality for performing Triangulation on arbitrary vertices.
* Read the individual function descriptions for specific details.
public sealed class Triangulator {
* Represents a 3D Vertex which has been mapped onto a 2D surface
* and is mainly used in MonotoneChain to triangulate a set of vertices
* against a flat plane.
internal struct Mapped2D {
private readonly Vector3 original;
private readonly Vector2 mapped;
public Mapped2D(Vector3 newOriginal, Vector3 u, Vector3 v) {
this.original = newOriginal;
this.mapped = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(newOriginal, u), Vector3.Dot(newOriginal, v));
public Vector2 mappedValue {
get { return this.mapped; }
public Vector3 originalValue {
get { return this.original; }
* Overloaded variant of MonotoneChain which will calculate UV coordinates of the Triangles
* between 0.0 and 1.0 (default).
* See MonotoneChain(vertices, normal, tri, TextureRegion) for full explanation
public static bool MonotoneChain(List<Vector3> vertices, Vector3 normal, out List<Triangle> tri) {
// default texture region is in coordinates 0,0 to 1,1
return MonotoneChain(vertices, normal, out tri, new TextureRegion(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
* O(n log n) Convex Hull Algorithm.
* Accepts a list of vertices as Vector3 and triangulates them according to a projection
* plane defined as planeNormal. Algorithm will output vertices, indices and UV coordinates
* as arrays
public static bool MonotoneChain(List<Vector3> vertices, Vector3 normal, out List<Triangle> tri, TextureRegion texRegion) {
int count = vertices.Count;
// we cannot triangulate less than 3 points. Use minimum of 3 points
if (count < 3) {
tri = null;
return false;
// first, we map from 3D points into a 2D plane represented by the provided normal
Vector3 u = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(normal, Vector3.up));
if ( == u) {
u = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(normal, Vector3.forward));
Vector3 v = Vector3.Cross(u, normal);
// generate an array of mapped values
Mapped2D[] mapped = new Mapped2D[count];
// these values will be used to generate new UV coordinates later on
float maxDivX = float.MinValue;
float maxDivY = float.MinValue;
float minDivX = float.MaxValue;
float minDivY = float.MaxValue;
// map the 3D vertices into the 2D mapped values
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Vector3 vertToAdd = vertices[i];
Mapped2D newMappedValue = new Mapped2D(vertToAdd, u, v);
Vector2 mapVal = newMappedValue.mappedValue;
// grab our maximal values so we can map UV's in a proper range
maxDivX = Mathf.Max(maxDivX, mapVal.x);
maxDivY = Mathf.Max(maxDivY, mapVal.y);
minDivX = Mathf.Min(minDivX, mapVal.x);
minDivY = Mathf.Min(minDivY, mapVal.y);
mapped[i] = newMappedValue;
// sort our newly generated array values
Array.Sort<Mapped2D>(mapped, (a, b) => {
Vector2 x = a.mappedValue;
Vector2 p = b.mappedValue;
return (x.x < p.x || (x.x == p.x && x.y < p.y)) ? -1 : 1;
// our final hull mappings will end up in here
Mapped2D[] hulls = new Mapped2D[count + 1];
int k = 0;
// build the lower hull of the chain
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
while (k >= 2) {
Vector2 mA = hulls[k - 2].mappedValue;
Vector2 mB = hulls[k - 1].mappedValue;
Vector2 mC = mapped[i].mappedValue;
if (Intersector.TriArea2D(mA.x, mA.y, mB.x, mB.y, mC.x, mC.y) > 0.0f) {
hulls[k++] = mapped[i];
// build the upper hull of the chain
for (int i = count - 2, t = k + 1; i >= 0; i--) {
while (k >= t) {
Vector2 mA = hulls[k - 2].mappedValue;
Vector2 mB = hulls[k - 1].mappedValue;
Vector2 mC = mapped[i].mappedValue;
if (Intersector.TriArea2D(mA.x, mA.y, mB.x, mB.y, mC.x, mC.y) > 0.0f) {
hulls[k++] = mapped[i];
// finally we can build our mesh, generate all the variables
// and fill them up
int vertCount = k - 1;
int triCount = (vertCount - 2) * 3;
// this should not happen, but here just in case
if (vertCount < 3) {
tri = null;
return false;
// ensure List does not dynamically grow, performing copy ops each time!
tri = new List<Triangle>(triCount / 3);
float width = maxDivX - minDivX;
float height = maxDivY - minDivY;
int indexCount = 1;
// generate both the vertices and uv's in this loop
for (int i = 0; i < triCount; i += 3) {
// the Vertices in our triangle
Mapped2D posA = hulls[0];
Mapped2D posB = hulls[indexCount];
Mapped2D posC = hulls[indexCount + 1];
// generate UV Maps
Vector2 uvA = posA.mappedValue;
Vector2 uvB = posB.mappedValue;
Vector2 uvC = posC.mappedValue;
uvA.x = (uvA.x - minDivX) / width;
uvA.y = (uvA.y - minDivY) / height;
uvB.x = (uvB.x - minDivX) / width;
uvB.y = (uvB.y - minDivY) / height;
uvC.x = (uvC.x - minDivX) / width;
uvC.y = (uvC.y - minDivY) / height;
Triangle newTriangle = new Triangle(posA.originalValue, posB.originalValue, posC.originalValue);
// ensure our UV coordinates are mapped into the requested TextureRegion
newTriangle.SetUV(texRegion.Map(uvA), texRegion.Map(uvB), texRegion.Map(uvC));
// the normals is the same for all vertices since the final mesh is completly flat
newTriangle.SetNormal(normal, normal, normal);
return true;
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executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EzySlice {
* The final generated data structure from a slice operation. This provides easy access
* to utility functions and the final Mesh data for each section of the HULL.
public sealed class SlicedHull {
private Mesh upper_hull;
private Mesh lower_hull;
public SlicedHull(Mesh upperHull, Mesh lowerHull) {
this.upper_hull = upperHull;
this.lower_hull = lowerHull;
public GameObject CreateUpperHull(GameObject original) {
return CreateUpperHull(original, null);
public GameObject CreateUpperHull(GameObject original, Material crossSectionMat) {
GameObject newObject = CreateUpperHull();
if (newObject != null) {
newObject.transform.localPosition = original.transform.localPosition;
newObject.transform.localRotation = original.transform.localRotation;
newObject.transform.localScale = original.transform.localScale;
Material[] shared = original.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterials;
Mesh mesh = original.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
// nothing changed in the hierarchy, the cross section must have been batched
// with the submeshes, return as is, no need for any changes
if (mesh.subMeshCount == upper_hull.subMeshCount) {
// the the material information
newObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterials = shared;
return newObject;
// otherwise the cross section was added to the back of the submesh array because
// it uses a different material. We need to take this into account
Material[] newShared = new Material[shared.Length + 1];
// copy our material arrays across using native copy (should be faster than loop)
System.Array.Copy(shared, newShared, shared.Length);
newShared[shared.Length] = crossSectionMat;
// the the material information
newObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterials = newShared;
return newObject;
public GameObject CreateLowerHull(GameObject original) {
return CreateLowerHull(original, null);
public GameObject CreateLowerHull(GameObject original, Material crossSectionMat) {
GameObject newObject = CreateLowerHull();
if (newObject != null) {
newObject.transform.localPosition = original.transform.localPosition;
newObject.transform.localRotation = original.transform.localRotation;
newObject.transform.localScale = original.transform.localScale;
Material[] shared = original.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterials;
Mesh mesh = original.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
// nothing changed in the hierarchy, the cross section must have been batched
// with the submeshes, return as is, no need for any changes
if (mesh.subMeshCount == lower_hull.subMeshCount) {
// the the material information
newObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterials = shared;
return newObject;
// otherwise the cross section was added to the back of the submesh array because
// it uses a different material. We need to take this into account
Material[] newShared = new Material[shared.Length + 1];
// copy our material arrays across using native copy (should be faster than loop)
System.Array.Copy(shared, newShared, shared.Length);
newShared[shared.Length] = crossSectionMat;
// the the material information
newObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterials = newShared;
return newObject;
* Generate a new GameObject from the upper hull of the mesh
* This function will return null if upper hull does not exist
public GameObject CreateUpperHull() {
return CreateEmptyObject("Upper_Hull", upper_hull);
* Generate a new GameObject from the Lower hull of the mesh
* This function will return null if lower hull does not exist
public GameObject CreateLowerHull() {
return CreateEmptyObject("Lower_Hull", lower_hull);
public Mesh upperHull {
get { return this.upper_hull; }
public Mesh lowerHull {
get { return this.lower_hull; }
* Helper function which will create a new GameObject to be able to add
* a new mesh for rendering and return.
private static GameObject CreateEmptyObject(string name, Mesh hull) {
if (hull == null) {
return null;
GameObject newObject = new GameObject(name);
MeshFilter filter = newObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
filter.mesh = hull;
return newObject;
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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
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@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EzySlice {
* Contains methods for slicing GameObjects
public sealed class Slicer {
* An internal class for storing internal submesh values
internal class SlicedSubmesh {
public readonly List<Triangle> upperHull = new List<Triangle>();
public readonly List<Triangle> lowerHull = new List<Triangle>();
* Check if the submesh has had any UV's added.
* NOTE -> This should be supported properly
public bool hasUV {
get {
// what is this abomination??
return upperHull.Count > 0 ? upperHull[0].hasUV : lowerHull.Count > 0 && lowerHull[0].hasUV;
* Check if the submesh has had any Normals added.
* NOTE -> This should be supported properly
public bool hasNormal {
get {
// what is this abomination??
return upperHull.Count > 0 ? upperHull[0].hasNormal : lowerHull.Count > 0 && lowerHull[0].hasNormal;
* Check if the submesh has had any Tangents added.
* NOTE -> This should be supported properly
public bool hasTangent {
get {
// what is this abomination??
return upperHull.Count > 0 ? upperHull[0].hasTangent : lowerHull.Count > 0 && lowerHull[0].hasTangent;
* Check if proper slicing has occured for this submesh. Slice occured if there
* are triangles in both the upper and lower hulls
public bool isValid {
get {
return upperHull.Count > 0 && lowerHull.Count > 0;
* Helper function to accept a gameobject which will transform the plane
* approprietly before the slice occurs
* See -> Slice(Mesh, Plane) for more info
public static SlicedHull Slice(GameObject obj, Plane pl, TextureRegion crossRegion, Material crossMaterial) {
// cannot continue without a proper filter
if (!obj.TryGetComponent<MeshFilter>(out var filter)) {
Debug.LogWarning("EzySlice::Slice -> Provided GameObject must have a MeshFilter Component.");
return null;
// cannot continue without a proper renderer
if (!obj.TryGetComponent<MeshRenderer>(out var renderer)) {
Debug.LogWarning("EzySlice::Slice -> Provided GameObject must have a MeshRenderer Component.");
return null;
Material[] materials = renderer.sharedMaterials;
Mesh mesh = filter.sharedMesh;
// cannot slice a mesh that doesn't exist
if (mesh == null) {
Debug.LogWarning("EzySlice::Slice -> Provided GameObject must have a Mesh that is not NULL.");
return null;
int submeshCount = mesh.subMeshCount;
// to make things straightforward, exit without slicing if the materials and mesh
// array don't match. This shouldn't happen anyway
if (materials.Length != submeshCount) {
Debug.LogWarning("EzySlice::Slice -> Provided Material array must match the length of submeshes.");
return null;
// we need to find the index of the material for the cross section.
// default to the end of the array
int crossIndex = materials.Length;
// for cases where the sliced material is null, we will append the cross section to the end
// of the submesh array, this is because the application may want to set/change the material
// after slicing has occured, so we don't assume anything
if (crossMaterial != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < crossIndex; i++) {
if (materials[i] == crossMaterial) {
crossIndex = i;
return Slice(mesh, pl, crossRegion, crossIndex);
* Slice the gameobject mesh (if any) using the Plane, which will generate
* a maximum of 2 other Meshes.
* This function will recalculate new UV coordinates to ensure textures are applied
* properly.
* Returns null if no intersection has been found or the GameObject does not contain
* a valid mesh to cut.
public static SlicedHull Slice(Mesh sharedMesh, Plane pl, TextureRegion region, int crossIndex) {
if (sharedMesh == null) {
return null;
Vector3[] verts = sharedMesh.vertices;
Vector2[] uv = sharedMesh.uv;
Vector3[] norm = sharedMesh.normals;
Vector4[] tan = sharedMesh.tangents;
int submeshCount = sharedMesh.subMeshCount;
// each submesh will be sliced and placed in its own array structure
SlicedSubmesh[] slices = new SlicedSubmesh[submeshCount];
// the cross section hull is common across all submeshes
List<Vector3> crossHull = new List<Vector3>();
// we reuse this object for all intersection tests
IntersectionResult result = new IntersectionResult();
// see if we would like to split the mesh using uv, normals and tangents
bool genUV = verts.Length == uv.Length;
bool genNorm = verts.Length == norm.Length;
bool genTan = verts.Length == tan.Length;
// iterate over all the submeshes individually. vertices and indices
// are all shared within the submesh
for (int submesh = 0; submesh < submeshCount; submesh++) {
int[] indices = sharedMesh.GetTriangles(submesh);
int indicesCount = indices.Length;
SlicedSubmesh mesh = new SlicedSubmesh();
// loop through all the mesh vertices, generating upper and lower hulls
// and all intersection points
for (int index = 0; index < indicesCount; index += 3) {
int i0 = indices[index + 0];
int i1 = indices[index + 1];
int i2 = indices[index + 2];
Triangle newTri = new Triangle(verts[i0], verts[i1], verts[i2]);
// generate UV if available
if (genUV) {
newTri.SetUV(uv[i0], uv[i1], uv[i2]);
// generate normals if available
if (genNorm) {
newTri.SetNormal(norm[i0], norm[i1], norm[i2]);
// generate tangents if available
if (genTan) {
newTri.SetTangent(tan[i0], tan[i1], tan[i2]);
// slice this particular triangle with the provided
// plane
if (newTri.Split(pl, result)) {
int upperHullCount = result.upperHullCount;
int lowerHullCount = result.lowerHullCount;
int interHullCount = result.intersectionPointCount;
for (int i = 0; i < upperHullCount; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < lowerHullCount; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < interHullCount; i++) {
} else {
SideOfPlane sa = pl.SideOf(verts[i0]);
SideOfPlane sb = pl.SideOf(verts[i1]);
SideOfPlane sc = pl.SideOf(verts[i2]);
SideOfPlane side = SideOfPlane.ON;
if (sa != SideOfPlane.ON)
side = sa;
if (sb != SideOfPlane.ON)
Debug.Assert(side == SideOfPlane.ON || side == sb);
side = sb;
if (sc != SideOfPlane.ON)
Debug.Assert(side == SideOfPlane.ON || side == sc);
side = sc;
if (side == SideOfPlane.UP || side == SideOfPlane.ON) {
} else {
// register into the index
slices[submesh] = mesh;
// check if slicing actually occured
for (int i = 0; i < slices.Length; i++) {
// check if at least one of the submeshes was sliced. If so, stop checking
// because we need to go through the generation step
if (slices[i] != null && slices[i].isValid) {
return CreateFrom(slices, CreateFrom(crossHull, pl.normal, region), crossIndex);
// no slicing occured, just return null to signify
return null;
* Generates a single SlicedHull from a set of cut submeshes
private static SlicedHull CreateFrom(SlicedSubmesh[] meshes, List<Triangle> cross, int crossSectionIndex) {
int submeshCount = meshes.Length;
int upperHullCount = 0;
int lowerHullCount = 0;
// get the total amount of upper, lower and intersection counts
for (int submesh = 0; submesh < submeshCount; submesh++) {
upperHullCount += meshes[submesh].upperHull.Count;
lowerHullCount += meshes[submesh].lowerHull.Count;
Mesh upperHull = CreateUpperHull(meshes, upperHullCount, cross, crossSectionIndex);
Mesh lowerHull = CreateLowerHull(meshes, lowerHullCount, cross, crossSectionIndex);
return new SlicedHull(upperHull, lowerHull);
private static Mesh CreateUpperHull(SlicedSubmesh[] mesh, int total, List<Triangle> crossSection, int crossSectionIndex) {
return CreateHull(mesh, total, crossSection, crossSectionIndex, true);
private static Mesh CreateLowerHull(SlicedSubmesh[] mesh, int total, List<Triangle> crossSection, int crossSectionIndex) {
return CreateHull(mesh, total, crossSection, crossSectionIndex, false);
* Generate a single Mesh HULL of either the UPPER or LOWER hulls.
private static Mesh CreateHull(SlicedSubmesh[] meshes, int total, List<Triangle> crossSection, int crossIndex, bool isUpper) {
if (total <= 0) {
return null;
int submeshCount = meshes.Length;
int crossCount = crossSection != null ? crossSection.Count : 0;
Mesh newMesh = new Mesh();
newMesh.indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32;
int arrayLen = (total + crossCount) * 3;
bool hasUV = meshes[0].hasUV;
bool hasNormal = meshes[0].hasNormal;
bool hasTangent = meshes[0].hasTangent;
// vertices and uv's are common for all submeshes
Vector3[] newVertices = new Vector3[arrayLen];
Vector2[] newUvs = hasUV ? new Vector2[arrayLen] : null;
Vector3[] newNormals = hasNormal ? new Vector3[arrayLen] : null;
Vector4[] newTangents = hasTangent ? new Vector4[arrayLen] : null;
// each index refers to our submesh triangles
List<int[]> triangles = new List<int[]>(submeshCount);
int vIndex = 0;
// first we generate all our vertices, uv's and triangles
for (int submesh = 0; submesh < submeshCount; submesh++) {
// pick the hull we will be playing around with
List<Triangle> hull = isUpper ? meshes[submesh].upperHull : meshes[submesh].lowerHull;
int hullCount = hull.Count;
int[] indices = new int[hullCount * 3];
// fill our mesh arrays
for (int i = 0, triIndex = 0; i < hullCount; i++, triIndex += 3) {
Triangle newTri = hull[i];
int i0 = vIndex + 0;
int i1 = vIndex + 1;
int i2 = vIndex + 2;
// add the vertices
newVertices[i0] = newTri.positionA;
newVertices[i1] = newTri.positionB;
newVertices[i2] = newTri.positionC;
// add the UV coordinates if any
if (hasUV) {
newUvs[i0] = newTri.uvA;
newUvs[i1] = newTri.uvB;
newUvs[i2] = newTri.uvC;
// add the Normals if any
if (hasNormal) {
newNormals[i0] = newTri.normalA;
newNormals[i1] = newTri.normalB;
newNormals[i2] = newTri.normalC;
// add the Tangents if any
if (hasTangent) {
newTangents[i0] = newTri.tangentA;
newTangents[i1] = newTri.tangentB;
newTangents[i2] = newTri.tangentC;
// triangles are returned in clocwise order from the
// intersector, no need to sort these
indices[triIndex] = i0;
indices[triIndex + 1] = i1;
indices[triIndex + 2] = i2;
vIndex += 3;
// add triangles to the index for later generation
// generate the cross section required for this particular hull
if (crossSection != null && crossCount > 0) {
int[] crossIndices = new int[crossCount * 3];
for (int i = 0, triIndex = 0; i < crossCount; i++, triIndex += 3) {
Triangle newTri = crossSection[i];
int i0 = vIndex + 0;
int i1 = vIndex + 1;
int i2 = vIndex + 2;
// add the vertices
newVertices[i0] = newTri.positionA;
newVertices[i1] = newTri.positionB;
newVertices[i2] = newTri.positionC;
// add the UV coordinates if any
if (hasUV) {
newUvs[i0] = newTri.uvA;
newUvs[i1] = newTri.uvB;
newUvs[i2] = newTri.uvC;
// add the Normals if any
if (hasNormal) {
// invert the normals dependiong on upper or lower hull
if (isUpper) {
newNormals[i0] = -newTri.normalA;
newNormals[i1] = -newTri.normalB;
newNormals[i2] = -newTri.normalC;
} else {
newNormals[i0] = newTri.normalA;
newNormals[i1] = newTri.normalB;
newNormals[i2] = newTri.normalC;
// add the Tangents if any
if (hasTangent) {
newTangents[i0] = newTri.tangentA;
newTangents[i1] = newTri.tangentB;
newTangents[i2] = newTri.tangentC;
// add triangles in clockwise for upper
// and reversed for lower hulls, to ensure the mesh
// is facing the right direction
if (isUpper) {
crossIndices[triIndex] = i0;
crossIndices[triIndex + 1] = i1;
crossIndices[triIndex + 2] = i2;
} else {
crossIndices[triIndex] = i0;
crossIndices[triIndex + 1] = i2;
crossIndices[triIndex + 2] = i1;
vIndex += 3;
// add triangles to the index for later generation
if (triangles.Count <= crossIndex) {
} else {
// otherwise, we need to merge the triangles for the provided subsection
int[] prevTriangles = triangles[crossIndex];
int[] merged = new int[prevTriangles.Length + crossIndices.Length];
System.Array.Copy(prevTriangles, merged, prevTriangles.Length);
System.Array.Copy(crossIndices, 0, merged, prevTriangles.Length, crossIndices.Length);
// replace the previous array with the new merged array
triangles[crossIndex] = merged;
int totalTriangles = triangles.Count;
newMesh.subMeshCount = totalTriangles;
// fill the mesh structure
newMesh.vertices = newVertices;
if (hasUV) {
newMesh.uv = newUvs;
if (hasNormal) {
newMesh.normals = newNormals;
if (hasTangent) {
newMesh.tangents = newTangents;
// add the submeshes
for (int i = 0; i < totalTriangles; i++) {
newMesh.SetTriangles(triangles[i], i, false);
return newMesh;
* Generate Two Meshes (an upper and lower) cross section from a set of intersection
* points and a plane normal. Intersection Points do not have to be in order.
private static List<Triangle> CreateFrom(List<Vector3> intPoints, Vector3 planeNormal, TextureRegion region) {
return Triangulator.MonotoneChain(intPoints, planeNormal, out List<Triangle> tris, region) ? tris : null;
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using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EzySlice {
* Define Extension methods for easy access to slicer functionality
public static class SlicerExtensions {
* SlicedHull Return functions and appropriate overrides!
public static SlicedHull Slice(this GameObject obj, Plane pl, Material crossSectionMaterial = null) {
return Slice(obj, pl, new TextureRegion(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), crossSectionMaterial);
public static SlicedHull Slice(this GameObject obj, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, Material crossSectionMaterial = null) {
return Slice(obj, position, direction, new TextureRegion(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), crossSectionMaterial);
public static SlicedHull Slice(this GameObject obj, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, TextureRegion textureRegion, Material crossSectionMaterial = null) {
Plane cuttingPlane = new Plane();
Matrix4x4 mat = obj.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
Matrix4x4 transpose = mat.transpose;
Matrix4x4 inv = transpose.inverse;
Vector3 refUp = inv.MultiplyVector(direction).normalized;
Vector3 refPt = obj.transform.InverseTransformPoint(position);
cuttingPlane.Compute(refPt, refUp);
return Slice(obj, cuttingPlane, textureRegion, crossSectionMaterial);
public static SlicedHull Slice(this GameObject obj, Plane pl, TextureRegion textureRegion, Material crossSectionMaterial = null) {
return Slicer.Slice(obj, pl, textureRegion, crossSectionMaterial);
* These functions (and overrides) will return the final indtaniated GameObjects types
public static GameObject[] SliceInstantiate(this GameObject obj, Plane pl) {
return SliceInstantiate(obj, pl, new TextureRegion(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
public static GameObject[] SliceInstantiate(this GameObject obj, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction) {
return SliceInstantiate(obj, position, direction, null);
public static GameObject[] SliceInstantiate(this GameObject obj, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, Material crossSectionMat) {
return SliceInstantiate(obj, position, direction, new TextureRegion(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), crossSectionMat);
public static GameObject[] SliceInstantiate(this GameObject obj, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, TextureRegion cuttingRegion, Material crossSectionMaterial = null) {
EzySlice.Plane cuttingPlane = new EzySlice.Plane();
Matrix4x4 mat = obj.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
Matrix4x4 transpose = mat.transpose;
Matrix4x4 inv = transpose.inverse;
Vector3 refUp = inv.MultiplyVector(direction).normalized;
Vector3 refPt = obj.transform.InverseTransformPoint(position);
cuttingPlane.Compute(refPt, refUp);
return SliceInstantiate(obj, cuttingPlane, cuttingRegion, crossSectionMaterial);
public static GameObject[] SliceInstantiate(this GameObject obj, Plane pl, TextureRegion cuttingRegion, Material crossSectionMaterial = null) {
SlicedHull slice = Slicer.Slice(obj, pl, cuttingRegion, crossSectionMaterial);
if (slice == null) {
return null;
GameObject upperHull = slice.CreateUpperHull(obj, crossSectionMaterial);
GameObject lowerHull = slice.CreateLowerHull(obj, crossSectionMaterial);
if (upperHull != null && lowerHull != null) {
return new GameObject[] { upperHull, lowerHull };
// otherwise return only the upper hull
if (upperHull != null) {
return new GameObject[] { upperHull };
// otherwise return only the lower hull
if (lowerHull != null) {
return new GameObject[] { lowerHull };
// nothing to return, so return nothing!
return null;
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Load Diff
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Normal file
Normal file
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using EzySlice;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit;
public class SliceObjectsVR : MonoBehaviour
public Transform startSlicePoint;
public Transform endSlicePoint;
public LayerMask sliceableLayer;
public Material crossSectionMaterial;
public float cutForce = 0.1f;
public float explosionRadius = 0.1f;
private Vector3 lastSlicerPosition; // Letzte Position von SLICER
private Vector3 slicerVelocity; // Berechnete Geschwindigkeit von SLICER
void Start()
lastSlicerPosition = transform.position; // Startposition speichern
void FixedUpdate()
// Berechnung der Geschwindigkeit von SLICER
slicerVelocity = (transform.position - lastSlicerPosition) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
lastSlicerPosition = transform.position;
// Debugging: Prüfen, ob die Velocity sinnvoll ist
//Debug.Log($"SLICER Velocity: {slicerVelocity}, Magnitude: {slicerVelocity.magnitude}");
// Prüfen, ob ein schneidbares Objekt getroffen wird
bool hasHit = Physics.Linecast(startSlicePoint.position, endSlicePoint.position, out RaycastHit hit, sliceableLayer);
if (hasHit)
GameObject target = hit.transform.gameObject;
public void Slice(GameObject target)
//Debug.Log("Slice Function active: " +;
// Normalenvektor für die Schnittebene berechnen
Vector3 planeNormal = Vector3.Cross(endSlicePoint.position - startSlicePoint.position, slicerVelocity);
//Debug.Log($"Direction: {planeNormal}, Magnitude: {planeNormal.magnitude}");
//Debug.Log($"Velocity: {slicerVelocity}, Magnitude: {slicerVelocity.magnitude}");
// Prüfen, ob das Objekt geschnitten werden kann
SlicedHull hull = target.Slice(endSlicePoint.position, planeNormal);
if (hull != null)
//Debug.Log("Hull isn't empty");
GameObject upperHull = hull.CreateUpperHull(target, crossSectionMaterial);
GameObject lowerHull = hull.CreateLowerHull(target, crossSectionMaterial);
public void SetupSlicedComponent(GameObject slicedObject)
//Debug.Log("New object created");
Rigidbody rb = slicedObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody>(); //add Rigidbody
MeshCollider collider = slicedObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); //add Meshcolider
collider.convex = true; //make Collider convex
rb.AddExplosionForce(cutForce, slicedObject.transform.position, explosionRadius); //add force for realistic behaviour
slicedObject.layer = 6; // 6 = "sliceableLayer"
slicedObject.AddComponent<XRGrabInteractable>(); //add grabbable Script
slicedObject.AddComponent<ComponentController>(); //add BT-Controller
slicedObject.AddComponent<OnGrabSound>(); //add grab sound
slicedObject.AddComponent<OnCollideSound>(); //add collision sound
Normal file
Normal file
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- Water
- UI
- Sliceable
- Slicer
- hands
- no-post-processing
Reference in New Issue
Block a user