itenmarcalex pushed to master at itenmarcalex/front_test_repo
- 8434564498 titel hinzugefügt
itenmarcalex pushed to master at itenmarcalex/front_test_repo
- dcf4ea0734 repo cloned #2 @2h10m
itenmarcalex pushed to master at itenmarcalex/front_test_repo
- 7b4329053d repo cloned #2 @2h10m
itenmarcalex pushed to master at itenmarcalex/front_test_repo
- 67a26d64c5 repo cloned #2 spent @1h
itenmarcalex pushed to master at itenmarcalex/front_test_repo
- 8ed9afcd92 repo cloned #2 spent @1h
itenmarcalex pushed to master at itenmarcalex/front_test_repo
- a48ffd0c5f repo cloned #2 spent @.5h
itenmarcalex pushed to master at itenmarcalex/front_test_repo
- ac2c53a200 MI-001: add title
itenmarcalex pushed to master at itenmarcalex/front_test_repo
- 84e2df5e37 index.html added
itenmarcalex pushed to master at itenmarcalex/front_test_repo
- 271c1f4169 init
itenmarcalex opened issue itenmarcalex/front_test_repo#3
Schnittstellendefinition erstellenitenmarcalex closed issue itenmarcalex/front_test_repo#1
Repo downloaden geht nicht...itenmarcalex opened issue itenmarcalex/front_test_repo#2
Repo klonen versuchenitenmarcalex reopened issue itenmarcalex/front_test_repo#1
Repo downloaden geht nicht...itenmarcalex closed issue itenmarcalex/front_test_repo#1
Repo downloaden geht nicht...itenmarcalex opened issue itenmarcalex/front_test_repo#1
Repo downloaden geht nicht...itenmarcalex created repository itenmarcalex/front_test_repo